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Double#2 Ankündigungsbild 2
6. March 2025
18:00 – 19:00
Guided Tour

Die Wahrnehmung der Dinge - Ausstellungsrundgang

Be inspired by the exhibition tour with Annette Amberg and Simone Neuenschwander through the exhibition *Double #2: Paula Santomé - Paradox /
Kathrin Sonntag - Sobjects" !

Be inspired by the exhibition tour with Annette Amberg and Simone Neuenschwander through the exhibition *Double #2: Paula Santomé - Paradox /
Kathrin Sonntag - Sobjects" !

Exhibition tour with Annette Amberg, curator, Coalmine, Winterthur, and Simone Neuenschwander, curator, Kunst Raum Riehen

In the Double exhibition format, a regional and an international position come together to create unexpected thematic links in two independent projects. For the second edition, curator Simone Neuenschwander has invited the two artists Paula Santomé (*1994, Spain, lives in Basel) and Kathrin Sonntag (*1981, Germany, lives in Berlin).

Key data

Kunst Raum Riehen
Baselstrasse 71
im Berowergut
Riehen 4125
6. March 2025
18:00 – 19:00
Kunst Raum Riehen