My Protagonists
May 10 – July 6, 2025
Catherine Biocca, Diego Kohli, Jonathan Penca, Elif Saydam, Noemi Pfister, Lea von Wintzingerode
Curated by Simone Neuenschwander
My Protagonists is a group exhibition in which figures or collectives tell their own stories. The term “protagonists” is derived from the Greek, meaning “the first fighters in the theater” with the antagonists being the “counteractors”. In their works, the artists use figures to stage various dynamics of communication for the viewer. Theatricality is inherent to the presence of protagonists, who are defined by distinct traits and gestures, immersing themselves in the realm of fiction while remaining oriented towards real behavior. The comic figures, in particular, embody emotions that are conveyed in an exaggerated and direct manner. The artists depict characters that reveal a multifaceted range of human feelings, including humor, desire, love as well as schadenfreude (pleasure in others’ misfortune) and fear.

Catherine Biocca, Tropical Punch, 2020, Industrial marker on waxcloth and PVC, 240 x 200 cm. Courtesy the artist, PSM Gallery, Berlin. Photo: Marjorie Brunet-Plaza